RGP Education Forging Ahead
APR. 1996
The number of beneficial applications for rigid gas permeable lenses continues to increase. There's more emphasis on fitting post-refractive surgery patients and children as well as reducing refractive error via orthokeratology. When you combine these applications with such well-documented benefits as good quality vision, ocular health and patient retention, you'd expect RGP lens use to be increasing. However, this is not the case.
Although there may be other reasons why RGPs are not prescribed more often, perhaps the most important one is inadequate practitioner education and experience. Contact lens educators are frequently criticized for not providing sufficient RGP lens experience for students; therefore, they're not "comfortable" with presenting this option to patients.
The Contact Lens Manufacturers' Association established the RGP Lens Institute (RGPLI) in the mid-1980s to provide new and innovative educational programs for students and practitioners.
Program Coordinator Ursula Lotzkat has organized several all-day hands-on fitting workshops at optometry colleges in 1996. One class of students at every college will receive a complimentary video and a packet of RGP fitting and problem-solving information. All educators will receive slide libraries on practice-building, fitting, toric lenses, care and compliance, and modification.
The RGPLI Advisory Panel is a group of respected professionals who frequently provide RGP education to practitioners. These individuals are: Keith Ames, O.D., Mark Andre, F.C.L.S.A., Joe Barr, M.S., O.D., Robert Campbell, M.D., Sue Connelly, F.C.L.S.A., Melvin Freeman, M.D., Robert Grohe, O.D., James Key, M.D., and Michael Ward, F.C.L.S.A.
The 50 members of the RGPLI Committee, most of whom were nominated by CLMA-member laboratories because of their expertise in RGP fitting, provide insights and ideas by responding to surveys and participating in conference calls. Often their suggestions are implemented in our educational programs. For example, as most of these individuals are high volume RGP bifocal fitters, we will survey them for a series of articles on this topic and potentially an RGPLI bifocal fitting handbook. Committee members also are responsible for disseminating RGPLI program information to practitioners in their respective states.
The RGPLI hosts a clinical on-line symposium the second Tuesday of the month from 9 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. eastern time on America Online. Our topic in April is bifocal fitting, and in May we'll discuss RGP care, compliance and patient education. Future on-line conferences will cover postsurgical fitting, toric lenses, keratoconus, lens design and fitting, and troubleshooting. The RGPLI will soon have a Web page on the Internet to provide updated RGP information, and to promote programs and video segments.
The RGPLI provides grant support for practitioners who publish their clinical and practice-building ideas that pertain to RGP contact lenses. This program is under the direction of Dr. Carol Schwartz.
The RGPLI also sponsors educational tracks at six to 10 national symposia every year to increase the practitioner's ability to fit and troubleshoot both spherical and specialty RGP lenses. Likewise, RGPLI offers a comprehensive video library on fitting and evaluation, problem-solving, modification and verification, advanced fitting, care and handling, and other topics. For more information on educational opportunities through the RGPLI, contact Cathie Mezraros at 800-344-9060. CLS
Dr. Bennett is an associate professor of optometry at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, and is executive director of the RGP Lens Institute.