How to Ensure Accuracy With Toric Soft Lens Prescriptions
M.S., F.A.A.O.
JAN. 1997
Preprogrammed calculators are useful tools to help you determine toric soft contact lens prescriptions. Accounting for lens rotation will help improve your accuracy.
Although you didn't realize it at the time, you learned the basic theory for fitting toric soft contact lenses in your high school trigonometry class. The Law of Cosines and the Law of Sines are used in the pre-programmed calculators provided by Sunsoft and CooperVision. These manufacturers claim you can get an accurate toric soft contact lens prescription if you input the labeled power of the diagnostic lens and the overrefraction with the diagnostic lens.
Both these companies recommend that you not compensate for diagnostic lens rotation, while other toric soft lens manufacturers say that you should. Who is correct? And can these high-tech preprogrammed calculators really give you an accurate prescription? Call on your high school trigonometry for the answer.
Preprogrammed calculators use basic trigonometric equations, so it's easy to check their accuracy. The following steps will show that you must account for lens rotation before and after inputting the values for the diagnostic lens and the overrefraction to arrive at an accurate prescription.
A patient's eye is an optical system that can be represented by a single optical lens. The eye's optical power and the diagnostic lens power can be combined to form an equivalent single lens called the resultant. If the patient is a -3.00D myope with a -2.00D diagnostic lens, you would calculate the resultant: +3.00D sphere (optical power of eye) combined with -2.00D sphere (diagnostic lens) = +1.00D sphere (resultant). The overrefraction, the lens power that neutralizes the resultant, is a -1.00D sphere.
NEW CD-ROM CONSIDERS ROTATION Recently, CIBA Vision Corporation released a CD-ROM that describes the Focus Toric soft contact lens. The CD-ROM has a toric calculation program that automatically compensates for lens rotation using both RALS and LARS. The initial release of this program is currently the most accurate available because it performs both lens rotation compensations for you. The program is available through the company's sales representatives, or you may call the technical consultation department at (800) 241-7468. |
At first, this may seem like a roundabout method to obtain the value of an overrefraction. However, calculating overrefractions is the key to proving the need to compensate for rotation when using preprogrammed calculators.
Finding the resultant of two spherical lenses is easy, but finding the resultant of two spherocylinder lenses requires more than simple addition. Spherocylinder lenses are perfectly suited for a special type of addition called vector addition. Vectors represent quantities that have both magnitude and direction. The cylinder power of the lens is the magnitude and the cylinder axis of the lens is the direction. The Law of Cosines formula simply 'adds' or combines two spherocylinder lenses (vectors) to find the resultant cylinder power. The Law of Sines formula calculates the axis of the resultant cylinder power.
Using the Law of Cosines and the Law of Sines, we can calculate the resultant and hence the overrefraction for any eye/toric soft lens combination. For example, if we fit a simple myopic astigmat whose vertexed spectacle prescription is plano -3.00 x 180 (optical power equal to plano +3.00 x 180) with a rotating diagnostic lens that has a labeled power equal to plano -2.00 x 180, we can either clinically measure or calculate an overrefraction. To calculate the overrefraction, assume that the diagnostic lens is accurately labeled, there is no lens flexure or lacrimal lens effect, and the diagnostic lens consistently rotates 20 degrees left when on the patient's eye (i.e., the bottom of the lens rotates to the doctor's left). The resultant is: plano +3.00 x 180 (optical power of eye) combined with plano -2.00 x 160 (rotated diagnostic lens) = -0.48 +1.95 x 021. (resultant).
The calculated overrefraction with the rotated diagnostic lens is: +0.48 -1.95 x 021. Use this overrefraction to check the calculator's accuracy. Enter the diagnostic lens power and the calculated overrefraction into the calculator. Since the lens rotates left 20 degrees on the eye, we know that the ideal prescription (and the answer the calculator should give us) is plano -3.00 x 020.
We'll start by not compensating for rotation, per the manufacturer's recommendations.
Patient's spectacle Rx plano -3.00 x 180
Diagnostic lens plano -2.00 x 180
Diagnostic lens after 20°
left rotation plano -2.00 x 160
Overrefraction with rotated
diagnostic lens (from step 1) +0.48 -1.95 x 021
Preprogrammed calculator input: plano -2.00 x 180 (diagnostic contact lens with no compensation for rotation) combined with +0.48 -1.95 x 021 (overrefraction) = +0.35 -3.69 x 011 (toric soft contact lens order).
The finding of +0.35 -3.69 x 011 has little resemblance to the plano -3.00 x 020 we know the final contact lens power should be.
Let's try again, but this time we'll compensate for rotation of the diagnostic lens.
Patient's spectacle Rx plano -3.00 x 180
Diagnostic lens plano -2.00 x 180
Diagnostic lens after 20°
left rotation plano -2.00 x 160
Overrefraction with rotated
diagnostic lens (from Step 1) +0.48 -1.95 x 021
Preprogrammed calculator input: plano -2.00 x 160 (diagnostic lens with
compensation for rotation) combined with +0.48 -1.95 x 021 (overrefraction)
= plano
-3.00 x 180 (toric soft contact lens order).
The finding of plano -3.00 x 180 gives us the expected power, but the axis is incorrect.
In both Steps 2a and 2b, the calculator gives an incorrect prescription. Some might argue that the prescriptions are 'close enough' and that the patient will see clearly with either lens. To determine if this is true, calculate the overrefractions with the lenses ordered from Steps 2a and 2b.
The overrefraction using the prescription from Step 2a will be:
Patient's spectacle Rx: plano -3.00 x 180
Preprogrammed calculator
contact lens Rx (Step 2a) +0.35 -3.69 x 011
Contact lens Rx after 20°
left rotation +0.35 -3.69 x 171
Plano +3.00 x 180 (optical power of eye) combined with +0.35 -3.69 x 171 (rotated contact lens Rx) = -0.62 +1.25 x 057 (resultant).
The overrefraction for the prescription obtained with a preprogrammed calculator after 20 degrees left rotation is: +0.62 -1.25 x 057 (overrefraction).
The overrefraction using the toric soft contact lens prescription from Step 2b will be:
Patient's spectacle Rx: plano -3.00 x 180
Preprogrammed calculator
contact lens Rx (Step 2b) plano -3.00 x 180
Contact lens Rx after 20°
left rotation plano -3.00 x 160
Plano +3.00 x 180 (optical power of eye) combined with plano -3.00 x 160 (rotated contact lens Rx) = -1.03 +2.05 x 035 (resultant).
The overrefraction for the prescription obtained with the calculator after 20° left rotation is: +1.03 -2.05 x 035 (overrefraction).
The calculated overrefractions resulting from the prescriptions we obtained in both Steps 2a and 2b are unacceptable. As you can see, it doesn't matter if you compensate for rotation of the diagnostic lens before entering the lens power into the calculator because the calculator doesn't compensate for rotation after it performs the calculation. The Sunsoft and CooperVision calculators cannot determine the ideal lens order when used according to the manufacturers' recommendations.
Table 1 lists toric soft contact lens prescriptions and corresponding overrefractions for other amounts of diagnostic lens rotation. In most cases, the overrefraction is unacceptable.
In each case, Step 2b gives the correct power, but the incorrect axis. However, you can determine the ideal prescription by simply applying LARS to the calculator's resultant from Step 2b. If the initial diagnostic lens rotates five degrees left, add five degrees to the resultant in Step 2b. Similarly, if the initial diagnostic lens rotates 20 degrees left, add 20 degrees to the resultant in Step 2b.
The ideal toric soft lens prescription is one that completely neutralizes the eye's optical power. If there is no lens rotation, lens flexure or lacrimal lens effect, the contact lens prescription should equal the vertexed spectacle prescription.
Preprogrammed calculators have become increasingly popular because there is no method to directly measure the amount of lens flexure, or the lacrimal lens effects. The manufacturers of these calculators claim that the diagnostic lens overrefraction completely compensates for lens rotation, lens flexure and lacrimal effect. This is true, but there are two very important considerations that must be addressed.
First, the Law of Cosines and the Law of Sines can mathematically calculate the resultant of any two obliquely crossed spherocylinder lenses, but only if the correct values for the cylinder power and axis are used. If a diagnostic lens rotates on the eye, the lens has a new axis value, and this value must be used to calculate the resultant, i.e., you must compensate for lens rotation. In our example, the diagnostic lens has a labeled axis of 180 and rotates 20 degrees left. On the eye, this lens is now a spherocylinder lens with axis 160, and must be entered into the calculator as such. The new axis for the diagnostic lens on the eye can be found by using RALS (Right Add Left Subtract), the reverse of LARS.
Second, the resultant obtained by a preprogrammed calculator is not the power of the lens prescription. It is a new value of the eye's optical power that includes any lens flexure and/or lacrimal lens effect. You must use LARS on the calculator's resultant to compensate for the expected lens rotation.
In our example, the patient's spectacle prescription is plano -3.00 x 180. If the contact lens rotates 20 degrees left, add 20 to 180 for a prescription of plano -3.00 x 020. After rotation, the major optical meridians of the LARS calculated lens will align with the eye's major optical meridians.
In each case, when we compensate for rotation of the diagnostic lens (RALS), the formulae give a resultant equal to the optical power of the eye. You must use LARS on the calculator's resultant to compensate for the expected rotation of the lens on the eye.
To obtain the exact toric soft lens prescription using a preprogrammed calculator:
1. Compensate for the rotation of the diagnostic lens using RALS.
2. Input the compensated axis and overrefraction into the calculator.
3. Use the calculator's output and compensate for lens rotation using LARS.
You may have had some success with preprogrammed calculators because Sunsoft and CooperVision Toric lenses rotate very little. The calculator's failure to compensate for rotation is what introduces the error. If there is minimal rotation and the cylinder power is not large, the preprogrammed calculators work fine. In fact, an advantage is that they take into account lens flexure and lacrimal lens effects that may alter the lens power needed to precisely correct the eye's refractive error.
We now have a method that allows us to take advantage of the calculator's strengths and to correct for its weaknesses. CLS
Dr. Koers is an assistant professor at the Southern California College of Optometry and is in private practice in San Diego. Dr. Quinn, a contributing editor with Contact Lens Spectrum, has served as a faculty member and research associate at The Ohio State University College of Optometry. He is in group practice in Athens, Ohio.