contact lens care
No Rub -- Read the
Fine Print, Part 2
Just over a year ago, I wrote a well-received Contact Lens Care column that outlined manufacturers' directions for cleaning soft contact lenses with no-rub chemical multipurpose solutions (MPS) ("No Rub -- Read the Fine Print," February 2003). These solutions are safe and effective when patients use them according to the package instructions -- but we all have patients for whom "no rub" means simply removing the lenses from their eyes and dropping them into a solution-filled contact lens case.
These directions have changed within the past year. In fact, since my last article, the FDA has approved simpler care procedures for all of the solutions listed in the proceeding sections. Following are the latest instructions, ta-ken from the solutions' packaging, current as of press time. It's our job to make sure patients are aware of and follow these instructions to ensure better compliance.
Complete MoisturePlus (Advanced Medical Optics)
"Rinse each side of the lens for five seconds...your doctor may recommend additional care procedures (such as rubbing your lenses). This may be particularly important if lenses are kept longer than 90 three drops or more of solution on each lens surface and gently rub for several seconds."
Opti-Free Express (Alcon)
"Thoroughly rinse each side of the lens (three seconds) with Opti-Free Express...If any debris remain on contact lenses, rinse... prior to insertion...If your eyecare professional directs you to rub your lenses, place several drops on the lens and rub for several seconds (up to 20)...If using Supraclens Daily Protein Remover, follow these directions, including rinsing before putting the lenses on your eyes.
Solo-care Plus (CIBA Vision)
"(For lenses replaced in 30 days or less.) Thoroughly rinse each side of the lens with Solo-care Plus...(For lenses replaced after 30 days, or at your eyecare professional's request.) Apply at least three drops of Solo-care Plus on each side of the lens and gently rub the lens 10 seconds per lens side. Rinse the lens thoroughly with Solo-care Plus."
ReNu MultiPlus (Bausch & Lomb)
"Thoroughly rinse each side of the lens (five seconds) with ReNu MultiPlus Multi-Purpose Solution...your eyecare practitioner may recommend additional care for your lenses such as placing three drops of this solution on each lens surface and rubbing for 20 seconds...."
More to Come
I'll update this list periodically if any further procedural changes occur for no-rub MPSs.
Until then, keep in mind that a proactive approach to good lens care goes a long way in preventing noncompliance -- and its resulting complications. Don't forget to ask your patients at every visit to explain how they care for their lenses, and make sure you correct them if you discover that they aren't complying with proper lens care procedures.
Dr. Gromacki is in group practice in Burke, VA, and has served as a faculty member at the University of Michigan Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences.