editor's perspective
Enthusiasm Helps
Your CL Practice Grow
My first college basketball coach was fond of saying, "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." The same seems true for success in contact lens practice. At a recent meeting of successful contact lens practitioners, one said that the new contact lens prescription law is the best thing that ever happened. Clearly he had already made a lot of lemonade from this lemon. He liked the fact that his (former) patients now had to directly or indirectly contact him for an exam if their prescription had expired, or if the verification form arrived, then he knew they needed more lenses and he could offer his assistance. Recently, a large mail-order/Internet firm referred to the practice of practitioners trying to contact their patients in these situations as unethical. What could be more caring and proactive in promoting good health than an eyecare practitioner contacting a patient?
This positive attitude, this enthusiasm, this enjoying making patients happy with the latest contact lens technology is what I believe causes the separation between those who just maintain a practice and those who have a thriving practice with new patients and referrals on a regular basis. This positive attitude especially attracts the complicated cases, which result in other referrals.
I see a positive, assertive, though careful attitude with enthusiasm for contact lenses and especially for new modalities as a key factor for the success of young practitioners who have just bought into or started a new practice. Their idealism and naivety about what could go wrong is their greatest asset.
My financial advisor was lamenting young people's lack of enthusiasm to join his Lions Club and other community service clubs. I couldn't help but think about how the most successful young practitioners I know are the most active in their community and in their profession.
Contact lenses can be good to you as they've been to me. You just need a positive attitude. The contact lens market cup is more than half full, folks -- believe it.