contact lens care
New Rewetting Drops Improve Patient Comfort
contact lens case reports
Loss of Ortho-k Effect? Check the Lens Surface
contact lens economics
"We Have What You've Been Waiting For"
contact lens practice pearls
The Helpful Handout
continuous wear colloquy
Make Silicone Hydrogel Your Soft Lens Material of Choice
discovering dry eye
The "Slippery" Ocular Surface
editor's perspective
Finding the Best Lenses for Presbyopes
Make the Most of Today's Colored Lenses
Newer developments in colored lens technology provide exciting practice-building opportunities for both cosmetic and specialty applications.
orthokeratology today
Ortho-k for a Decentered Corneal Apex
prescribing for presbyopia
Recapturing a Presbyopic Contact Lens Drop Out
staffing solutions
Dear Hanna Mae
the contact lens exam
Fitting Infants with CLs
therapeutic topics
Asthma Medications and Their Effects on Lens Wear
treatment plan
Spotting Fuchs' Dystrophy
Using Instruments To Improve Your Contact Lens Success
Five contact lens experts discuss instruments that they have found helpful when fitting contact lenses.