editor's perspective
Check Out the Global Keratoconus Congress
More than a decade ago I attended the World Cornea Congress in Orlando. I was awed and learned so much. That was early in our initiation of the National Eye Institute Sponsored Collaborative Longitudinal Evaluation of Keratoconus. For a decade now I've wanted to have an international meeting focused on the topic of keratoconus. Thankfully, our publisher Lippincott Williams & Wilkins VisionCare Group has taken the risk to plan this meeting. Our planning committee, led by Craig Norman, FCLSA, and including Ed Bennett, OD, MSEd, Patrick Caroline, FAAO, Eef van der Worp, BSc, FAAO, FIACLE, and myself have worked for a year to plan this meeting that will take place from Jan. 26-28, 2007 at Bally's Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas.
This meeting will feature presentations on:
A thorough discussion of keratoconus fitting techniques and contact lens designs from around the world.
The genetics of keratoconus.
The basic science of the disease.
The latest clinical research related to keratoconus.
The details on the many surgical procedures and other keratoconus treatments.
The information you need to get reimbursed and to help your patients get reimbursed for their care.
You can get more details and register for the GKC at www.GKC2007.com. Following are just a few examples of what you'll learn at this meeting: You'll hear details on corneal scarring in keratoconus and how the old paradigm of nipple, oval and globus keratoconus corneal shapes may be obsolete. You'll also learn how to fit these complicated patients and other irregular cornea cases with GP, piggyback and hybrid lenses. And GKC will also cover the plethora of related corneal surgery, minor and major, with and without lasers.
We appreciate the help of the many organizations and companies that are supporting this meeting, from the sponsors and exhibitors to the CLMA and its GP Lens Institute to the National Keratoconus Foundation.
Come join us it will be a great weekend for those interested in understanding more about this challenging condition.