product spectrum
Non-Invasive Tear Film Analysis
In collaboration with JENVIS Research at the Jena University of Applied Sciences, the TF-Scan (tear film scan) was developed by Oculus, Inc. for the Oculus Keratograph topographer. This new software can non-invasively assess tear film quality and quantity.
The breakup time of the tear film (quality) can be determined using the NIBUT procedure (non-invasive breakup time). Changes in the projected placido rings (edge shift of placido rings) indicate the breakup time of the tear film. This evaluation is made automatically, and the breakup time is represented in color. Dry patches that break up early are marked in red. The color representation can facilitate patient consultation, according to Oculus.
In addition, tear film quantity can be assessed non-invasively by using the Keratograph software to determine the tear meniscus height. A tear meniscus height of 0.2mm indicates that the amount of tear film is too small. Call (888) 284-8004 or visit
Supplement for Complete Eye Health
AmeriSciences, LP now offers its Ocular Support System (OS2). AmeriSciences' OS2 is a non-prescription dietary supplement containing vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, and other antioxidants along with omega-3 fatty acids and a bioavailability enhancer, according to the company. It has been formulated as a multifactorial nutritional adjuvant for individuals seeking to protect and strengthen their eyes, vision, and lacrimal function, and/or to support the dietary needs of people at risk for increased oxidative stress in their retina (e.g. hyperglycemics).

AmeriSciences' OS2 is Formulated to Support the Entire Eye and Ocular System.
Unlike other antioxidant supplements intended to exclusively support the macula, AmeriSciences' OS2 provides a comprehensive, multi-factorial formulation. It targets the retina, the cornea, the micro and macro-vascular structures of the eye, the lacrimal system (e.g. meibomian and lacrimal function, tear quality), visual acuity and endurance, and eye strain and accommodation as well as oxidative stress and inflammation.
Active ingredients of AmeriSciences' OS2 include Vitamins A, C, and D as well as zinc, selenium, lutein, zeaxanthin, molecularly distilled fish oil, taurine, alpha lipoic acid, pine bark standardized extract, astaxanthin, and Bioperine Piper spp. Extract (fruit). Call (949) 584-9190 or visit
Micro Dilator for Punctal Plug Insertion, Practice Punctum
Odyssey Medical, Inc. has introduced a 0.6 Punctal Gauge/Micro Dilator instrument. This dual purpose instrument is designed to assist in proper plug sizing for the Parasol punctal occluder along with the support of a Micro Dilator for dilation of extra small-sized punctas. The ergonomically devised handle adds comfort and support for the performing physician, according to the company.

The Holbrook Practice Punctum Offers Hand-On Practice for Punctal Occlusion.
Odyssey Medical has also introduced the Holbrook Practice Punctum, a new tool to assist physicians with actual hands-on practice for punctal occlusion. The model allows physicians and staff to become comfortable and familiar with the procedure in a stress-free learning environment, according to the company. The model can also help with patient education. Call (888) 905-7770 or visit
Eye Supplement With Lutein Available
Cooper Concepts/Cooper Complete now offers Cooper Complete Eye Health, which the company says is formulated to provide nutrients that are clinically proven to help eyes. Cooper Complete Eye Health contains FloraGlo Lutein, which is made from marigold flowers. It also contains Vitamin D, zinc (as zinc oxide), L-Cysteine, bilberry, and zeaxanthin.
Cooper Complete Eye Health is recommended for adults. The company advises that it contains eye nutrients only and should be taken in conjunction with a multivitamin. Cooper Complete products are sold in retail stores nationwide and online. Call (877) 2-HEALTH or visit