editor's perspective
Getting Back to Our Contact Lens Roots

By Jason J. Nichols, OD, MPH, PhD, FAAO
October always marks our Annual GP Issue, which is one of my favorite issues of Contact Lens Spectrum that we publish each year. The information that we print in the October issue is, as the theme indicates, mostly about GP contact lenses. However, the issue is about much more than GP lens fitting and design. It's often about building a specialty contact lens practice.
This year, we are very fortunate to have Ed Bennett, OD, MSEd, FAAO, our clinical features editor, take the lead on the content of the issue. As he did last year, Dr. Bennett brings to us the annual report on GP contact lenses—a very timely and concise summary of what's happening from year-to-year in the GP lens arena. Likewise, the very respected Jason Jedlicka, OD, FAAO, and coworkers bring to us a feature article on semi-scleral lens fitting. Although scleral lenses have become popular in the last few years, many practitioners still desire to learn how to fit them.
As always, the GP issue is really a fundamental one that allows us to return to our roots. More often than not, we forget about our heritage in fitting GP lenses as today's clinical programs have often shifted their emphasis to ocular disease and pharmacology. We hope you enjoy this classic issue, and as always, please give us your feedback on upcoming topics you'd like us to address.