Online Photo Diagnosis
By Gregory W. DeNaeyer, OD, FAAO
The photograph shows a primary epithelial iris cyst of a 44-year-old white male patient's right eye. This iris cyst was diagnosed in childhood and has remained unchanged. Uncorrected visual acuity is 20/20 OD and OS. Intraocular pressure measured 12mm Hg OD and OS. All other anterior slit lamp and posterior pole/peripheral retina finding were unremarkable OD and OS.

Primary iris epithelial cysts are relatively uncommon and rarely cause secondary ocular complications. Stromal iris cysts or secondary cysts are more likely to induce inflammation or glaucoma. Primary iris epithelial cysts need to be differentiated from non benign neoplasms of the iris and ciliary body. Patients who have any suspicious lesion should be referred out for expert evaluation and imaging.
This patient now reports yearly for comprehensive examination and photographs.
1. Shields JA. Primary cysts of the iris. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc. 1981;79:771-809.
2. Xiao Y, Wang YH, Niu GL, Gao M. Primary iris stromal cyst with rapid growth. Optom and Vis Sci. 2009 Nov;86(11):E1309-12.