product spectrum
Semi-Scleral Design for Irregular Corneas
As reported in the March Product Spectrum, Menicon recently launched the Rose K2 XL semi-scleral lens. The company says that the primary indications for this lens are keratoconus, pellucid marginal degeneration, post-graft, corneal rings, post-LASIK ectasia, advanced dry eye, and any irregular corneal condition that cannot be successfully fitted within the limbus. Menicon also states that the lens is suitable for wear in polluted work conditions, stability for sport or working environments, for corneal GP intolerance, and for piggyback systems.
The Rose K2 XL design features an aspheric back optic zone that decreases as base curve steepens. According to Menicon it also features front-surface aberration control and precise edge lift control. Rose K2 XL is manufactured in Menicon Z, Lagado Tyro 97, and Boston XO (Bausch + Lomb). Parameters include base curves of 5.80mm to 8.40mm, diameters of 13.6mm to 15.6mm (standard diameter of 14.60mm), powers of +30.00D to −30.00D, and edge lifts in nine options: five standard lifts ranging from Double Flat to Double Steep, which the company contends will optimally fit 90 percent of cases, with other options available on request.
The Rose K2 XL fitting set features 16 lenses manufactured in Menicon Z or Lagado Onsi 56 material. The fitting set base curves range from 6.00mm to 8.00mm in the standard diameter of 14.60mm and the standard edge lift (0). Rose K lenses are available in the United States through Blanchard Contact Lens, Art Optical, or your local Rose K distributor.

Custom Multifocal and Multifocal Toric Available
SpecialEyes now offers its SpecialEyes Bifocal 54 Sphere and SpecialEyes Bifocal 54 Toric. The designs are completely custom, with a fitting method that uses the same nomogram as the company’s custom toric lenses. The lenses feature a concentric annular design, with the center zone size customizable based on pupil size. It can be manufactured with either a center-near or center-distance design.
SpecialEyes Bifocal 54 Sphere/Toric is manufactured in hioxifilcon D (54-percent water). Parameters include base curves of 6.9mm to 9.5mm in 0.1mm increments, diameters of 12.5mm to 16.0mm in 0.1mm increments, sphere powers of ±25.00D in 0.1D increments, add powers up to +4.00D, and cylinders up to −8.00D in 0.1D increments. SpecialEyes suggests starting with the distance center on the nondominant eye and the near center on the dominant eye. In selecting initial zone sizes, pupil size is small when the pupil measures 2.0mm in bright light or 3.5mm in ambient light, medium when the pupil measures 3.0mm in bright light or 4.5mm in ambient light, and large when the pupil measures 3.5mm in bright light or 6.0mm in ambient light. Call (866) 404-1060 or visit
Line of Opaque Colored Lenses Launches
The Orion Vision Group recently introduced its BioColors custom tinted contact lenses to the U.S. market. The company says that BioColors are an effective alternative to the discontinued Ciba D3 and Natural Touch lenses as well as other discontinued colored lenses. Orion Vision offers 16 opaque colors including enhancer tints for “light eye colors,” limbal rings, and “blended cosmetic colors.” Five pupil sizes are available.

BioColors lenses are available in Definitive (Contamac) silicone hydrogel material as well as in methafilcon and polymacon. Orion Vision says that the BioColors tinting process also allows for the tinting of “wet disposable lenses,” offering practitioners virtually unlimited custom color lens options for their patients.
Parameters for the BioColors lenses include base curves of 7.7mm to 9.5mm, diameters of 13.00mm to 22.0mm, sphere powers of ±20.00D, and cylinders of up to −6.00D in around-the-clock axes in 0.01-degree increments.
A 25-lens comprehensive diagnostic fitting set is available from Orion Vision Group for both prosthetic and custom cosmetic contact lens fitting. Call (866) 300-6257 or visit