Online Photo Diagnosis
By Gregory W. DeNaeyer, OD, FAAO
Pictured is the left eye of a patient wearing a scleral lens that has developed severe crazing. The 18mm-diameter scleral lens was fit because of decreased vision secondary to graft irregularity. The lens was manufactured in Boston XO (Bausch + Lomb) material and was two-and-a-half years old at the time of the photograph. His vision OS in combination with the scleral contact lens and glasses was 20/40.
GP lens crazing is characterized by small surface cracks in the lens. They are thought to result from material-related problems or use of alcohol-based cleaners1. Moderate-to-severe crazing can disrupt vision, necessitating lens replacement.
The patient was refit with an updated design with Boston XO material, improving his vision to 20/25.

1. GP Lens Institute: GP Lens Management Guide-10