April 2014 CLS Online Photo Diagnosis
By Gregory W. DeNaeyer, OD, FAAO

This image shows the right eye of a 47-year-old patient who reported with severe pain. The patient had suffered a traumatic injury resulting in a full-thickness corneal laceration and had undergone repair of his right eye approximately two weeks prior. He had also developed a secondary cataract.
The patient’s vision OD was hand-motion. His intraocular pressure was 6mm with applanation tonometry. Sutures were present from the previous corneal repair, and his anterior chamber was filled with cortex that was leaking from his crystalline lens. The patient underwent emergency cataract surgery OD, and a posterior IOL was successfully implanted.
At an 18-month follow-up visit, the patient’s manifest refraction OD was +1.25 -2.25 X 115 20/40. He underwent a yag capsulotomy to clear posterior chamber opacification.
At a two-year follow-up visit, his right eye manifest refraction measured -1.00 -3.25 X 030 20/50. The patient is considering a GP contact lens for visual improvement. Previous refraction over a diagnostic GP OD was 20/30.