Contact Lens Care & Compliance
Care and Compliance Findings from the Annual AAO Meeting

The annual meeting of the American Academy of Optometry (AAO) combines high-quality clinical continuing education with a cutting-edge scientific program. Every year, researchers, academics, and clinicians present posters and papers on products and ideas that influence our practices today and in the future.
Papers and Posters on Contact Lens Care and Compliance
The 2013 program did not disappoint, offering at least 18 presentations on contact lens care and compliance. They are as follows (with sponsor in parentheses, if applicable):
- Subbaraman et al. Kinetic activity of lysozyme when exposed to two differing contact lens care systems.
- Lantz and Perrigin. Biofilm removal from contact lens cases utilizing manufacturer and enhanced guidelines for 3 silicone hydrogel disinfecting solutions.
- Walsh et al. Biocidal efficacy of multipurpose solutions against Gram negative organisms in the presence of a lens. (Bausch + Lomb [B+L])
- Cordero et al. Biocidal efficacy of a novel one-step hydrogen peroxide disinfection solution and comparators against ISO/FDA specified bacteria, yeast, and mold. (B+L)
- Kolar et al. Efficacy of contact lens care solutions against Acanthamoeba castellanii by in vitro testing and live-cell imaging. (Abbott Medical Optics [AMO])
- Dumbleton et al. Eye examination frequency and contact lens purchase patterns. (Alcon)
- Dumbleton et al. Wearing and replacement patterns of patients using daily disposable contact lenses. (Alcon)
- Schafer et al. Clinical performance of a novel hydrogen peroxide cleaning and disinfection solution. (B+L)
- Cheung et al. Contact lens solution efficacy at removing in vitro tear film constituents from silicone hydrogel contact lenses: an atomic force microscopy study.
- Millard et al. Comparative biocompatibility of a novel hydrogen peroxide system with marketed products on human corneal epithelial cell viability. (B+L)
- Tchedre et al. Cytotoxicity effect of boric acid-based multipurpose contact lens care solutions (MPSs) on human corneal epithelial cells. (Menicon)
- Merchea et al. Reducing contact lens dropout by changing lens care solutions in at risk patients. (B+L)
- González-Méijome et al. Clinical performance of three different MPDS with a silicone hydrogel contact lens. (AMO)
- Erickson and Hug. Effectiveness of using an enzymatic cleaner to remove deposits from Silsoft contact lenses worn by infants.
- Kilbury et al. Comparative cleaning efficacy of a novel hydrogen peroxide system using in vitro deposition model and image analysis. (B+L)
- Hoteling et al. Retention of hydrogen peroxide solutions’ surfactants on silicone hydrogel lenses. (B+L)
- Morris et al. A comparison of axenic vs. E coli outgrowth methods to recover Acanthamoeba following biocidal efficacy testing of contact lens disinfection solutions. (B+L)
- Deka el al. Association between level of awareness and patient compliance during soft contact lens wear. CLS
Dr. Gromacki is a diplomate in the American Academy of Optometry’s Section on Cornea, Contact Lenses and Refractive Technologies and practices in Chevy Chase, Md.