product spectrum
New Hybrid Lens for Presbyopes Launches
SynergEyes Inc. recently launched Duette Progressive, a hybrid lens that the company says is designed to deliver exceptional vision at all distances for presbyopes from emerging to advanced. The lens features a dual-aspheric optic design, which includes a center-near add zone with a choice of three add powers that SynergEyes says provides greater control over visual outcomes. The lens also features an 84-Dk silicone hydrogel skirt around the 130-Dk GP center, which is made of UV-blocking materials. The Duette platform delivers all-day tear exchange and lens movement to make it an extremely comfortable and healthy lens option, according to SynergEyes.

SynergEyes also says that the lens is fit with a straightforward, empirical fitting approach that minimizes the amount of chair time required.
Parameters include base curves of 7.1mm to 8.3mm in 0.2mm steps; skirt curves of 8.7mm (flat2), 8.4mm (flat), and 8.1mm (medium); lens powers of +5.50D to –10.00D; an add zone size of 3.0mm; and add powers of +1.00D, +1.75D, and +2.50D. Call 877.733.2012 or visit
Unsurpassed Comfort and Vision the Goal with Monthly SiHy Lens
Bausch + Lomb (B+L) has begun the initial rollout of its monthly Bausch + Lomb Ultra contact lens with MoistureSeal technology. B+L says that the new lens technology, which has been under development for seven years, combines a breakthrough material with new manufacturing processes to produce a contact lens that breaks the cycle of discomfort for unsurpassed comfort and vision all day.
Bausch + Lomb Ultra lenses are manufactured in samfilcon A, which has a water content of 46% and features a visibility tint. Parameters include 8.5mm base curve, 14.2mm diameter, current powers of +2.00D to –9.00D (0.50D steps above –6.00D) with plans to expand the minus powers to –12.00D in the near future, 0.07mm center thickness at –3.00D, and oxygen transmissibility of 163 at the center of a –3.00D lens.

Bausch + Lomb Ultra contact lenses are now being distributed in select markets with a national rollout scheduled for spring 2014. Call (800) 828-9030 or visit
United Contact Lens Expands Offerings
United Contact Lens (UCL) has added a full line of advanced daily and monthly disposable contact lenses. NewGen Aspherex, a monthly disposable, is designed with UCL’s proprietary aspheric optical zone, which enhances vision especially for computer use and screen games, according to the company. UCL says that with a very slow surface dehydration rate, Aspherex is an overall stable and comfortable fit. UCL also introduced NewGen Everyday into the daily disposable segment of the contact lens market.
In addition, UCL announced that a new “bundle,” composed of its NewGen Super-Custom Gold Contact Lenses, NewGen Aspherex, NewGen Everyday, is also being introduced. Included in the “bundle” will also be a new line of cosmetic colored disposable lenses. Sample diagnostic lenses and a trial lens cabinet are included.
For a second “bundle,” UCL completed its analysis of a newly developed, hand-held, binocular photo-autorefractor. The 2Win instrument, developed and manufactured by Adaptica, will be “bundled” with the entire NewGen line of contact lenses. Call (800) 446-1666 or visit For more on 2Win, visit
Skin Recovery Cream Available
OcuSoft Inc. now offers Zoria Recovery Bruise and Scar Cream. It is specially formulated to promote healing and to minimize the post-operative effects of eyelid/facial surgical procedures or bruising from injections. OcuSoft says the patent-pending formula contains a blend of ingredients that support the skin’s natural healing process including arnica to reduce bruising, vitamin K (phytonadione) to minimize skin discoloration, escin (from horse chestnut) to improve circulation, and moisturizers to hydrate skin. Call (800) 233-5469 or visit