editor’s perspective
Take the Time to Refresh Your Practice

Spring is in the air; the warmer temperatures and blooming flowers always bring to mind that it is a season associated with rebirth, rejuvenation, renewal, and regrowth. Spring is very much a season of change and an opportune time to take a closer look at various aspects of our lives, including our work and clinical practice.
I am sure there are things in your practice that could use a good dusting off, so where might you start? Perhaps one way to go about it is to focus on one particular service that you offer in your practice: Your eyewear gallery. Pediatric services. Visual rehabilitation services. Or, as I like to emphasize—your contact lens services!
One place to start regarding your contact lens services might be to re-educate yourself on changes in coverage for contact lenses (e.g., medically necessary) associated with your accepted plans. In this issue, Dr. Clarke Newman’s column provides you with the tools to help you get updated regarding two of the more common vision coverage plans.
Perhaps another area you might focus on is some aspect of new contact lens technology. What do you think is missing in your practice? Maybe you aren’t keeping up with your daily disposable or soft toric prescribing, and you know that you and your staff can do better. Alternatively, we are seeing unbelievable technological advances in multifocals, sclerals, and hybrids, so it may be a good time to move your practice in one or even all of those directions. Whatever you decide, make any changes with confidence and passion such that it inspires your staff to believe in your vision for your “new and improved” practice.