product spectrum
Multifocal Scleral Design Launches
Valley Contax launched its Custom Stable (CS) Aurora multifocal scleral lens at the Global Specialty Lens Symposium in January 2016, after much clinical testing and development. It employs the back surface of the company’s Custom Stable Elite system, as this toric landing zone, reverse geometry foundation for the lens has provided one of the most successful single-vision scleral lenses in the world, according to the company.
Valley Contax says that the CS Aurora uses a dominant-eye-controlled binocular system that addresses the intermediate and near vision challenges of today’s presbyope. In clinical testing, the progressive optics of the CS Aurora neutralized moderate amounts of refractive cylinder consistently to keep fits simple and efficient, according to the company.
The lens is custom made to any distance power ±40.00D and is available in add powers up to +3.50D. The CS Aurora is originally designed with a 15.8mm diameter; however, it is available as a front surface application in the entire line of Custom Stable 14.8mm to 17.8mm diameters. This gives fitters access to sag depths from 3,500µm to 6,500µm. The Custom Stable Aurora is available in all scleral lens materials; however, it is recommended in the higher-Dk materials for corneal health. Call (800) 547-8815 or visit
Progressive GP Multifocal Introduced
Fused Kontacts, a division of Diversified Ophthalmics Inc., has introduced its newest GP multifocal contact lens, SpectraVue by Tangent Streak. This design provides the same visual capabilities as a progressive addition lens (PAL) spectacle lens, but without the corridor limitations, according to the company.
Manufactured using proprietary CNC lathe software, SpectraVue offers patients a spherical power upper segment, wide crescent progressive intermediate segment, and spherical power near correction. The crescent segment design and a new edge configuration have eliminated the need for truncation. The result is a GP lens that can be comfortably worn for 16 hours a day, according to the company.
Only standard eye measurements, such as refractions, horizontal visible iris diameter, lower lid position, and vertical fissure, are needed to fit the lenses. Loaner or earnable fitting sets of positionally identifiable diagnostic lenses are also available. In addition, fitting consultants are available to assist at any point in the process.
SpectraVue is available in all FDA-approved GP materials and colors, five standard diameters, standard seg heights, intermediate powers, and the full range of distance and near powers. Progressive intermediate and add powers are both Rx specified. The lenses achieve near power up to +4.50D. Front, back, or bitoric design options are available. All parameters are also fully customizable.
The company says that SpectraVue is a design intended for aspheric multifocal failures (soft or GP) and all patients who require sharp distance, near, and intermediate visual acuity. Call (800) 626-2281 or visit
Unit-Dose Rinsing and Application Saline
Menicon America has sought and received FDA approval for LacriPure, a unit-dose, nonpreserved saline for rinsing contact lenses and lens cases. Indicated for use with both soft and GP lenses, LacriPure is packaged in 5ml unit-dose vials.
In addition to being indicated as a rinsing solution, LacriPure has been approved as a scleral lens application solution. According to Menicon, this approval gives eyecare practitioners and their patients an alternative to off-label application solutions, such as irrigation saline, or to larger bottles of nonpreserved saline that may prove a sterility risk. The company also says that because LacriPure contains no buffers or preservatives, the risk of a toxic reaction is significantly reduced.
LacriPure’s 5ml blow-fill-seal vials are appropriately sized for all scleral lens diameters and offer the safety of single-use bottles that help to prevent contamination. LacriPure unit-dose saline is packaged in a 98-vial box that provides patients with a seven-week supply. Call (800) 636-4266 or visit

High-Quality Retinal Imaging with Mobile Devices
Volk Optical’s new iNview harnesses the power of Apple devices to acquire wide-angle digital color fundus images. The indirect ophthalmoscopic lens attachment is compatible with iPhone and iPod, and it works in conjunction with the free Volk iNview app to take retinal images for general visualization, patient education, referrals, and record retention, according to Volk.
Volk says that the Volk iNview is the first Apple-compatible fundus imaging device to overcome the challenges that similar instruments have failed to address: field of view, ease of image capture, and optical quality. Designed for use with dilated patients, Volk iNview provides a static 50° field of view, with dynamic peripheral retina views out to 80°. The device offers both manual capture and an auto-capture feature.
The resulting images can be immediately reviewed on-screen with patients for education and treatment plan discussions, appended to medical records for documentation, or forwarded as supplemental information with referrals. The Volk iNview is available in iPhone 5s, 6 and 6s, and in iPod Touch (Gen 6) models. A package system that comes with a dedicated iPod is also available from Volk for users who prefer not to use their personal iPhone in practice. Call (440) 942-6161 or visit