editor’s perspective
Information Is Just a Click Away

Although the U.S. Census Bureau has been asking about computer use since 1984 (and Internet access since 1997), the Broadband Data Improvement Act of 2008 enabled more detailed tracking of Internet and computer use through the American Community Survey (ACS). According to U.S. Census Bureau statistics from 2013, 83.8% of U.S. households reported computer ownership, while 74.4% of all households reported Internet use (with 73.4% reporting a high-speed connection). For comparison, in 1984, a mere 8.2% of households reported computer ownership, and in 1997, just 18% of households reported home Internet use.
Likewise, social media usage shows similar trends with nearly two-thirds of adult Americans using social networking sites in 2015 compared with only 7% in 2005 (according to Pew Research)—and this number just represents adults! I can only imagine what that number is for younger demographic groups.
While these statistics are interesting, I’m sure you’re wondering how this all relates to eye care in general and to contact lenses specifically. It’s simple, really. In this day and age, it’s nearly impossible for anyone in our industry to do business without a social media presence of some sort. A quick perusal of Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and/or Instagram would show you countless posts and pictures from eyecare practitioners, contact lens and other medical equipment manufacturers, and schools of optometry.
With that in mind, Contact Lens Spectrum would be remiss to not be involved in social media as well. I’m sure you are all familiar with our website—www.clspectrum.com—which provides access to all of our content from the print issues, bonus material, and links to our supplements, newsletters, and more.
In addition, I’m excited to announce our recent foray into social media. You can now find us on Twitter (@CLS_magazine) and Facebook (www.facebook.com/contactlensspectrum). In both of these locations, we will post links to not only our own content, but to other interesting articles, links, and surveys. U.S. Author Erik Galman said “We don’t have a choice on whether we do social media, the question is how well we do it.” We invite you to come visit us online and tell us what you think.