It is the time of year that we begin editorial planning for Contact Lens Spectrum for 2023. We make the process as inclusive as possible, and ask for the input of all interested parties, especially our readership and industry partners. Along these lines, we also like to consider what is trending, so we can balance and distribute the content about which our readers most wish to read. Please send article topics of interest and let us know if you have an interest in writing for us! To do so: .
In order to determine the impact of our content, Google Analytics was used to review articles published online in Contact Lens Spectrum in 2021. Check out the Top 10 most-viewed articles, presented in the list below.
As you look through these popular articles, there seems to be an ever-growing interest in topics related to myopia control, with four of the top 10 articles focusing on the topic. Congratulations to all contributors, and thank you for serving the readers of Contact Lens Spectrum!
Contact Lens Spectrum’s Top 10 Most-Viewed Online Feature Articles in 2021:
- “International Contact Lens Prescribing in 2020,” Philip B. Morgan, PhD, MCOptom, and colleagues, January 2021
- “Contact Lenses 2020,” Jason J. Nichols, OD, MPH, PhD, and Deborah Fisher, January 2021
- “Myopia Control in 2021,” Jeffrey J. Walline, OD, PhD, March 2021
- “Top Myopia Influencers,” Jason J. Nichols, OD, MPH, PhD, December 2021
- “GP and Custom Soft Annual Report 2021,” Edward S. Bennett, OD, MSEd, October 2021
- “Recent Advances in Orthokeratology,” Melanie Frogozo, OD, and Swati Kumar, OD, October 2021
- “The History of Soft Contact Lenses,” Eric Papas, PhD, BScOptom, Dip CL, November 2021
- “Digging Deeper into Myopia Management Strategies,” Sheila Morrison, OD, MSc, and Alia Cappellani, OD, November 2021
- “Instrument-Based Scleral Lens Fitting,” Gregory DeNaeyer, OD, and Jason Jedlicka, OD, November 2021
- “Custom Soft Lenses: Expand Your Fitting Options,” Robert L. Davis, OD, and Moshe Schwartz, OD, October 2021


The goal of Contact Lens Spectrum is to provide you with timely and thought-provoking articles that will help you become a more successful contact lens practitioner. Please let us know how we’re doing! E-mail with your comments or article submissions.