As we come to a close of the 2022 calendar year, we like to look back and reflect and give thanks, when appropriate, for the many blessings that have come our way. Although the COVID-19 pandemic officially ended this year, COVID-19 will be with us for quite some foreseeable time. That said, society as we knew it before the pandemic has largely returned, although the economy is not quite cooperating as much as we would like. Yet, we remain hopeful and optimistic as our practices continue to proudly serve our patients.
“There is nothing permanent except change” shared the Greek philosopher Hericlitus—and 2022 was a year of change. With change comes growth. Contact Lens Spectrum saw many changes—changes in our editorial staff and changes in our publisher. The Global Specialty Lens Symposium came back in person, but also expanded with a midyear virtual event that engaged individuals from dozens of countries. The Global Myopia Symposium had record attendance across every single session.
In addition to looking forward, we also like to give thanks during this year-end close. Our most sincere gratitude is extended to our readership, editorial team, meeting teams, and sponsors. If it were not for our sponsors, none of this would be possible, so we extend our heartiest gratitude to them.
We wish to extend our warmest seasons greeting to you and yours. We also wish the best to you, your patients, practices, and families. From all of us at Contact Lens Spectrum, cheers to 2023!


The goal of Contact Lens Spectrum is to provide you with timely and thought-provoking articles that will help you become a more successful contact lens practitioner. Please let us know how we’re doing! E-mail with your comments or article submissions.