Awkward moments are special, aren’t they? You know you have experienced them. Exuberantly waving at someone who you do not know. Answering someone who is speaking via a wireless microphone. Replying to all. Stalking a social media account and “liking” a post that is six years old. Going in for the hug, but it was clearly a handshake moment. And…those dreadful two seconds after being seated at a buffet.
But it’s the moments in life that are what’s memorable, right? The moment you fitted a scleral lens on a patient who was struggling with severe ocular surface disease and who has been in pain for years. The moment you tell parents that you have slowed the progression of their child’s rapidly advancing myopia. The moment you finally get that multifocal contact lens fit just right such that the patient can see at distance, intermediate, and near. Moments are memorable because they are special.
Autumn is upon us, and we are once again thrilled to bring you our annual GP and Custom Soft Specialty Lens issue of Contact Lens Spectrum. Please join us in celebrating GP and custom soft lenses, which are specialty contact lenses. We celebrate specialty contact lenses for many reasons, most of which are quite memorable.
The goal of Contact Lens Spectrum is to provide you with timely and thought-provoking articles that will help you become a more successful contact lens practitioner. Please let us know how we’re doing! E-mail with your comments or article submissions.