THE 18TH ANNUAL GLOBAL SPECIALTY LENS SYMPOSIUM (GSLS) will be here before we know it (Jan. 17-20, 2024, in Las Vegas [gslsymposium.com ]). The program committee—consisting of myself; Pat Caroline; Karen DeLoss, OD; Ashley Wallace-Tucker, OD; and Eef van der Worp, BOptom, PhD—are tremendously excited to have this opportunity to bring the most cutting-edge clinical education on contact lenses to you. Brought to you by Contact Lens Spectrum, GSLS is the leading global contact lens conference with delegates attending from dozens of countries. The four-day conference focuses on the successful management of ocular conditions using today’s specialty contact lenses through interactive educational platforms including expert panel discussions, breakout lecture sessions, and clinical workshops.
All educational sessions are loaded with the leading experts on all aspects of contact lenses (and various additional means of myopia control). This year, we have our first ever “Keynote Address” given by one of the world’s most prolific and impactful contact lens experts—more details to come soon. We will also be fortunate to witness the Great Debate 2.0, in which two of vision care’s experts will debate the efficacy, safety, and preference for soft versus rigid and specialty contact lenses—again, more to come. Among other highlights, we will be awarding professor Jan Bergmanson, OD, PhD, DSc, FCOptom, the GSLS Award of Excellence, and Kevin Chan, OD, MS, the GSLS Rising Star Award; both individuals are most deserving of their outstanding accomplishments and special recognitions!
As noted above, it is an incredibly exciting time in our field as it relates to our ability to use contact lenses to manage ametropias, ocular surface diseases, corneal irregularities, and myopia. We look forward to future developments along these lines and do sincerely hope you join us at the GSLS in just a few months.


Please let us know how we’re doing! E-mail CLSpectrum@pentavisionmedia.com with your comments or article submissions.