OK BOOMER, I really hate to go off, but there is no doubt that contact lenses have rizz. That’s right—there is nothing mid about them. Those are straight facts. Think about all the contact lens technologies and designs that we can offer our patients today. Using contact lenses for myopia management is a massive W. Scleral lenses can leave an irregular cornea vibing. And daily disposables are the ultimate flex—with bussin’ convenience, they are low-key next level.
Did you get all of that? Listening to common slang of 2024 teens almost requires a translator. However, teens are one of our most important patient groups for contact lenses: cosmesis, sporting events, enhanced vision, myopia management, and more are all key benefits that this young patient group desires and deserves. And studies have shown that when lenses are worn and cared for responsibly, both children and teens have no greater risk for complications, such as corneal infiltrative events or microbial keratitis (Bullimore and Richdale, 2023). So, keep contact lenses top of mind when working with your young patients or else your practice might be sus.
Bullimore MA, Richdale K. Incidence of Corneal Adverse Events in Children Wearing Soft Contact Lenses. Eye Contact Lens. 2023 May 1;49:204-211.