Optometry Australia (OA) has endorsed the World Council of Optometry (WCO) myopia managementstandard-of-care resolution. As part of its position statement, OA affirms the WCO resolution and supports a significant shift in clinical practice from merely correcting vision, to employing strategies that slow myopia progression. OA states that it recognizes that eyecare professionals should focus on assessing myopia risk and offering prevention counseling, in addition to regular comprehensive examinations.
OA is the latest optometric association to endorse WCO’s myopia management standard-of-care resolution, joining the Canadian Association of Optometrists (CAO) in supporting this global initiative.
The World Council of Optometry partnered with CooperVisionto introduce the WCO myopia management standard-of-care resolution in April 2021, defining evidence-based standard of care as comprising 3 main components—mitigation, measurement, and management.