Specialty Lens Resources

This 2023 editorial supplement presents specific challenges that practitioners have met through scleral lenses. Focused on case studies, it offers examples of how scleral lenses can improve patient outcomes.
This 2022 editorial supplement presents specific challenges that practitioners have met through scleral lenses. Focused on case studies, it offers examples of how scleral lenses can improve patient outcomes.
This 2021 editorial supplement focuses on the challenges practitioners have met and the improved patient outcomes with scleral lens designs through specific case reports.
This 2019 editorial supplement focuses on how to manage presbyopia in patients who need or desire scleral lenses, as well as challenges with the aging patient and three steps to manage presbyopia in patients with irregular corneas.
This 2018 editorial supplement focuses on assessing and addressing the needs of ocular surface disease (OSD) patients, including discussion around the OSD patient workup and finding the right lens.

In a series of podcasts hosted by Dr. Melissa Barnett, visionaries and mentors who have revolutionized the contact lens industry share their stories. Be informed and inspired by the wisdom and guidance of these influential luminaries.

Although scleral lenses were first introduced in the late 1800s, the individuals above were some of the first to recognize the potential benefits of GP scleral lenses. The Scleral Lens Education Society is delighted to see well-deserved recognition of these individuals by GSLS. We recognized that the work of these visionaries forms the very foundation of current scleral lens practice, and decided to embark upon a project that would allow individuals who have been instrumental in the development of modern scleral lenses to share their thoughts on scleral lenses with those of us who have begun to fit scleral lenses more recently. This interview series is the result of our desire to document and share their collective wisdom.

Scleral Lens Education Society
The Scleral Lens Education Society (SLS) teaches contact lens practitioners the science and art of prescribing scleral contact lenses. SLS supports public education that highlights the benefits and availability of scleral contact lenses.
Contemporary Scleral Lenses: Theory and ApplicationThe Clinical Guide for Scleral Lens Success is a valuable, hands-on practical resource to use daily in clinical practice. This unified international guide covers everything from staff training, patient and family communication, step by step scleral lens fitting, scleral lens care and aftercare and follow-up schedules. The Clinical Guide for Scleral Lens Success, authored by Melissa Barnett and Daddi Fadel, is a collaborative work between the Accademia Italiana Lenti Sclerali (AILeS) and the Scleral Lens Education Society (SLS) with the purpose of providing a unified protocol for scleral lens fitting.
Scleral Lens Troubleshooting FAQsThis PDF from the GP Lens Institute provides valuable, practical information on scleral lens fitting and problem-solving.
Healthy Scleral Lens HabitsThis guide offers an overview of hand washing, an overview of the care specific to scleral contact lenses, cleaning and replacement of lens cases, no topping off solutions, and more.
A Guide to Scleral Lens Fitting (2nd Ed.) - Eef van der WorpThis guide is based on an extended literature search on the subject of scleral lens fitting as well as clinical input from experienced scleral lens fitters from around the world. It provides an overview of the latest knowledge and understanding of this vision correction method.
Scleral Lens Fit ScalesThe Scleral Lens Fit Scales demonstrate how to correctly estimate the clearance (amount of tears underneath portions of a lens, measured in microns) by comparing the tear layer thickness to the center thickness of the lens. Optic sections demonstrate the tear thickness underneath the lens both centrally and at the limbal area. Also shown are various edge clearances.